Hsiang-Yang (Gary) Shyu


Hsiang-Yang (Gary) Shyu

Ph.D. Candidate @ USF CEE


  • Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida (Tampa, Florida) (2024)
  • M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of South Florida (Tampa, Florida) (2018)
  • B.S. Environmental Engineering, National Ilan University (Ilan city, Taiwan) (2016)


  • Teaching Assistant for “ENV4004: Environmental Engineering Lab” (Fall 2023, Spring 2024), University of South Florida
    • Prepare weekly lab experiments.
    • Guide weekly lab experiments and equipment usage.
    • Assist with experiment problems and solutions.
  • Teaching Assistant for “ENV4001: Evironmental Systems Engineering” (Fall 2023), University of South Florida
    • Lecture weekly TA section.
    • Hold weekly office hours.
    • Prepare homework and exam solutions.
    • Grading homework and exams.

Honors and Awards

  • National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association Inaugural Emerging Professionals Scholarship (2023)
  • International Water Association 1st Non-Sewered Sanitation Conference Chairperson Recognition Award for Best Poster awarded to Young Water Professional (2023)
  • Richard Ian Stessel Fellowship for Graduate Environmental Engineering Students (2021/2022)
  • Richard Ian Stessel Fellowship for Graduate Environmental Engineering Students (2019/2020)